Terms and Conditions

Munster Cuesports Club Rules 2021/2022

Club Membership Rules

  • Membership Key Fob must be used for entry.
  • The Key Fob holder must abide the club rules. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of their membership. Members may not admit guests, Failure to comply will result in your membership being revoked .
  • The club is a members only club.
  • Membership is to be renewed on an annual basis.
  • Membership Key Fobs are not transferable and must be surrendered upon request.

Club General Rules

  • The Committee reserve the right to refuse admission.
  • No Alcohol or Illegal substances to be consumed or brought on to the club premises.
  • Unruly behaviour or damage to club property will not be tolerated and membership will be revoked. The member will be held responsible for any acts of vandalism or damage caused on the club premises. The Club will endeavour to recover the replacement cost caused by the member.
  • Upon joining the club, new members will receive a key fob which allows access to the building during opening times. 6 am to midnight – Key fobs remain the property of the club and must be returned when the membership ceases.
  • There will be a charge of €20 to replace a lost / broken key fob.
  • Children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by the parent (Member) at all times.
  • Smoking is not prohibited within the club premises. Designated smoking areas are available outside.
  • The management cannot be held responsible for any item left or lost on the premises.
  • Acts of violence and threats to other members will result in membership being revoked and the risk of private prosecution being taken against you.
  • All rules including Covid-19 rules must be followed at all times. Failure to do so may result in revoking of membership.

Munster Cuesports Table rules

  • It is not permitted to play on the pool tables without the lights switched on. Failure to comply with this will result in membership being revoked.
  • Consideration must be given to all players and noise levels kept to a minimum.
  • The following is strictly forbidden: Sitting on the tables, throwing balls on the tables, emptying balls directly onto the tables and abuse of table accessories Any offences will be reviewed by the management and may result on a loss of membership.

Foot note: The committee takes pride in the club and will not tolerate anybody abusing the standards we have set and achieved for our members.

Respect the club, other members, tables, equipment and all facilities within the club.

Please keep the noise down when leaving the club and ensure front door is securely closed.